phpyun不收个人支票 2.9-Jessie带你练口语

不收个人支票 2.9-Jessie带你练口语谢植坤
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No personal checks
Cashier: your total comes to $53.06 .Will that be on your card 九三大豆油 ?
Maggie: No 形意拳拳谱 ,I will pay with cash.
Cashier: OK .Maggie: Oh新中华再起 , no 我的市长大人 !I only have two 20's. I thought I had more cash with me .
Cashier: I can put these items on hold for you if you 'd like .
Maggie: Do you take checksphpyun 亚联千年 ?Cashier: No武士阿非 ,unfortunately we do not take personal checks.
Maggie: OK 超级卡牌系统 ,I guess if you could put these on hold then I can come back for them tomorrow.
Cashier: No problem .I will have them in the back for you when you come in.