感情文学网【视频】Row row row your boat ,小朋友们一起来动动小手,学儿歌哦! 韵律歌谣--绘本频道

【视频】Row row row your boat ,小朋友们一起来动动小手,学儿歌哦! 韵律歌谣|-绘本频道

Row赛道阀芯 , row天衣多媚 , row your boat
这首经典的韵律歌谣Row row row your boat镜泊湖奇观 ,有很多的演唱版本毁灭神皇 ,不同的版本歌词内容略有区别云校排课,但是总体的旋律是不变的。下面我们一起来跟着视频学一学吧郑全战 !很简单的几个动作,力学哥 却很有趣保安腰刀 ,爸爸妈妈们来和孩子一起学哦韩城攻略!感情文学网

Row巨人卡里 , row, row your boat
Gently down the stream.
Merrily merrily易天雄 , merrily肖培东, merrily
Life is but a dream.
Rock rock your boat
Roughly down the stream.
And if you see a crocodile
Don't forget to scream!
Row, row肖雨蒙 , row your boat
Gently down the river.
And if you see a polar bear
Don't forget to shiver心海时空 !
Row, row郑其贵 , row your boat
Slowly to the shore.
And if you see a lion there
Don't forget to roar米钱网!
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