手机qq2012正式版【视频】Zhang INTRO阵容-Techno舞台-Zadig:我的音乐都来自于想象+中国电音传奇Mickey-OEBASS电子音乐

【视频】Zhang INTRO阵容|Techno舞台|Zadig:我的音乐都来自于想象+中国电音传奇Mickey-OEBASS电子音乐


Mickey Zhang X Zadig
提到Zadig这个名字独立钻石棋 ,时尚先生小姐们可能会首先想到小有名气的法国时装品牌Zadig & Voltaire汉川二中,这个品牌曾经在几年前因为辱华言论被一度推上风口浪尖,但在2017年进入Intro大名单中的DJ Zadig,却是另一种驾驭于风口浪尖上的弄潮儿。

宁静的小村庄并没有留住这位未来的电子音乐大咖,Sylvain决定到巴黎一闯天下。最初到巴黎的时候,他在一家叫做Syncrophone的DJ商店工作,经营一些设备,但之后因为家庭原因又在巴黎和鲁昂之间来来回回几年,直到1993年,当他听到了巴黎的一个朋友开始做DJ,播放了很多他最爱的英国DJ Planetary Assault Systems的音乐时,他再也按耐不住内心的向往,决定辞掉工作正式开始成为一位职业音乐人。年轻时的Sylvain酷爱法国启蒙运动时的精神领袖之一伏尔泰,其中他的著作《Zadig or The Book of Fate》让Sylvain深深着迷红河烟 ,于是就将这本小说中的主人公的名字“Zadig”当作了自己的艺名。
Zadig回忆起当年在巴黎刚刚起步的日子时也承认说巴黎是他艺术生涯最重要的地方,直到后来作为巴黎现代音乐圈里的领军人物,Zadig也是引领这座光明之城回到前卫电子音乐的中心的主力之一。在90年代的硬核迷幻风潮中,Sylvain Peltier成为了法国锐舞风潮的一员,在Mills, Surgeon, Beltram还有Tresor, Lost, Synewave等厂牌接二连三的出现之后,找到了真正属于自己的Techno音乐风格。当Zadig在2005年左右彻底搬到巴黎居住之后,他很快就加入了现在仍然还在进行的巴黎音乐发展进程中,并且在2006年发表了作品《Day is Dying》。他正式定居巴黎后,和各路音乐人和厂牌建立了良好的合作关系。
从那时起,巴黎的电子音乐再没有过停滞不前,一路飞速发展,直到今天处于世界前列的位置。在这样的飞速发展中,Zadig做出了非常重要的贡献。作为一名声名鹊起的音乐人,拥有一个符合自己气质的厂牌是至关重要的事情,在巴黎风生水起的他在2011年创建了他自己的厂牌Construct Re-Form,并且成为了传奇俱乐部Rex Club的驻演嘉宾,同时,他还致力于帮助Antigone, Voiski, Birth of Frequency等法国的新生代天才DJ发展。自从2013年在Deeply Rooted House发表作品开始,Zadig一直在不断扩展自己的音乐版图,与Tresor, Reclaim Your City, 和 Studio R°等厂牌的合作也让他名气大涨。作为法国电子音乐的领航者,Zadig在欧洲很多著名演出场馆都奉献过精彩演出。在Berghain的演出经历和与Tresor的深度合作让他参演了巴黎的Concrete 和 the Weather festival,甚至纽约和阿根廷也留下了他的脚印。他似乎正走在一条成为传奇的路上g163 。2015年,他和Voiski, Antigone, 和Birth of Frequency启动了Unforeseen Alliance live演出,这个项目让他们所有人的名气都得到了极大地提升。

很多人都对法国DJ的专辑和EP名称,乃至是歌曲名称中的那些天马行空的名字有着浓厚的兴趣,他们究竟是怎么想到的那些名字禁区之雄 ?这些名字都是从哪儿来的?Zadig的答案倒是很简单:科幻世界。
此科幻世界非彼科幻世界,不是我们小时候常看的那本杂志《科幻世界》,而是广泛地来自于一个宏观的科幻世界,科幻电影、科幻小说、科幻游戏等等,一切与科幻沾边的东西都能牢牢地吸引住他,而且他还自己编科幻故事,他说这完全是为了“创作灵感”。为此,他还专门做了一个叫“Kern Space Adventures”(《科恩太空历险记》)的项目并赋予了它许多怪力乱神的故事。这个“Kern Space Adventures”不仅仅满足了Zadig个人内心里的小疯狂恶魔战士 ,更让他在演出时候有了众多的音乐选择,在Zadig一场接着一场的演出中,大多数情况下他都会放Techno音乐,而且都是选择用黑胶机,但在这个充满了(他自己编的)奇幻故事的项目中,他可以选择任何他愿意的,与故事相匹配的音乐类型,不拘泥于任何风格和形式,给予了音乐更为广阔的想象空间。

除了让他沉迷的自己想象中科幻世界,英国奇幻小说家Howard Phillips Lovecraft也是他创作灵感的来源,这位自称为“宇宙主义”的作家认为人类有限的的心智无法理解生命的本质,而宇宙对于人类来说是残酷陌生的,Zadig对这一理论深信不疑,他一遍又一遍的拜读Howard Phillips Lovecraft的每一部作品,他说这里面有着“取之不尽用之不竭”的灵感。
无论是作为一个成功的音乐人还是经营有方的独立厂牌的老板,Zadig始终都在坚持着回归音乐本源,让音乐成为带领厂牌前行的最佳动力。Sylvain Peltier的努力帮助巴黎的club风潮回暖复苏,并且让它走上了新的高度,而Zadig作为DJ和厂牌主理人将会带着他的厂牌一路成长,成为传奇。Zadig自己也说过,电子音乐在今后的会以更加丰富的形式进行自我进化,他自己也有着很多关于电子音乐和自己厂牌的想法王翔弘 ,不着急,慢慢来吧!
(Construct Re-Form表音密码 , Tresor, Deeply Rooted)
One of the leading names in Paris’ contemporary scene包公审驴 , Zadig is one of the main forces responsible for the return of the City of Light to worldwide prominence as a centre for forward-looking techno. Aparticipant in the ‘90s French rave scene in the hardcore and acid days, Sylvain Peltier found his true inspiration with the arrival of Mills, Surgeon, and Beltram and labels like Tresor, Lost, and Synewave and the techno that his style remains rooted in to this day. After moving to Paris in the mid-2000s, Zadig became quickly involved in the beginnings of what would become the present-day Parisian upswing, making an early release in 2006 as Day is Dying on the Rouen-based Euro Visions label. In 2009 he returned, this time as Zadig and this time to stay, quickly forging a relationship with the important Syncrophone label and distributor in Paris.

There has not been any looking back since杨龙忠 , and as Paris’ techno scene continues to rise from the ashes of the early 2000s to the vibrant, world-recognized heights it now occupies, Zadig has made essential contributions to this ascendancy. Starting in 2011, he launched his Construct Re-Form label,which has gone on to a residency at the legendary Rex Club and continues to debut and support bracing new French talent like Antigone, Voiski, Birth of Frequency, and Zadig himself. His own discography also continues to grow, with releases on the reknown Deeply Rooted House in 2013, the New York-based Chronicle, Children of Tomorrow, and continued support from Syncrophone, as well as compilation appearances on Tresor手机qq2012正式版 , Reclaim Your City, and Studio R°. As Zadig’s reputation as a leader in the French scene has spread, he has gone on to play numerous dates around Europe, with appearances in Berghain and a deepening relationship with Tresor, at both Concrete and the Weather festival in Paris, and worldwide in New York and Argentina, alongside scene-leading contemporary talent and legends like Scion, R?dh?d, Peter van Hoesen, DVS1, Inigo Kennedy, Samuli Kemppi, Jonas Kopp, Johannes Volk, Shifted, Lucy, and many more. 2015 saw the debut of his Unforeseen Alliance live collaborative project with label mates Voiski, Antigone, and Birth of Frequency, all of whom have moved on to increasing success as both Zadig and Construct Re-Form have gained recognition.

With Paris’ resurgent club scene blossoming to worldwide attention not seen since the ‘90s, it is the dedicated efforts of those like Sylvain Peltier who have helped to bring about this revival and continue to lead it to new heights. As Zadig, as a label head, as a DJ, and as a central figure in its continued growth, he is an essential figure in its present and a leading light for its future.
Mickey Zhang

作为在中国最具有开创性的TECHNO DJ,MICKEY ZHANG对于中国电子舞曲的影响绝对不只是音乐而已。他不断地在音乐形式和音乐创造性中发掘。在把中国传统音乐与现代的电子音乐融合的过程中,不是简单节奏拼接,而是将中国音乐气质中缥缈、深邃的概念与电子音乐的睿智简洁完美结合,成为MICKEY特有的音乐符号。从2000年至今的现场音乐生涯中昂克雷 ,他经历了几乎中国所有俱乐部的现场。大大小小不计其数的现场表演,完全不同的环境与人群,这种丰富的演绎经历让MICKEY ZHANG拥有无比强大的现场演出气场。
自2007年开始,MICKEY ZHANG已经成为真正意义上的“LIVE DJ”,也是中国第一位真正表演自己作品的LIVE音乐创作者+表演艺人。这种令人疯狂的表演形式,很快得到了众人热烈的反响,最成功的例子便是2008年,他作为第一位走上亚洲最大TECHNO舞台[WIRE]的中国DJ进行表演,便是他与古筝艺术家张巍共同创作的作品。 电子舞曲与古筝的完美现场表演敦肃皇贵妃 ,令国际音乐爱好者都疯狂不已赤峰玉龙论坛 。2008年6月创作单曲《China 瓷》,古筝行云流水的中国古典韵律,冷酷中缠绵坚韧的东方旋律,突显出冲突中的和谐,现代与传统在惊喜中结合。这种国际化中的中国气质依然成为了MICKEY的艺术符号。2004年中法两国邦交50周年,作为中国艺术家代表,MICKEY ZHANG应法国之邀在欧洲4城市进行表演交流,他的音乐开始为世界承认。同年在柏林的「TRESOR」,MICKEY作为第一位中国DJ登上DJ台演出。2006年受到荷兰阿姆斯特丹跳舞活动(ADE)的邀请。参加讨论全世界的舞曲文化发展。2008年赴戛纳参加历史悠久的MIDEM世界唱片交流文化节,并作为中国文化部开幕式演出嘉宾。2009年MICKEY ZHANG的音乐被娄烨的新电影《春风沉醉的晚上》选为电影配乐。电影同年获得戛纳电影节最佳编剧奖。

Mickey Zhang is the leading figure in the growing Chinese Techno music scene. As a producer, DJ, event organizer and ambassador for the Chinese underground music scene, he has pushed forward the development of Electronic music in China, and remains one of the most in-demand Chinese DJs in Asia. As part of the first generation of Chinese electronic producer/DJs撕裂地平线 , Mickey was the first Chinese DJ to play at Berlin’s original Tresor Club,洪煦榆 Amsterdam’s ADE, and France’s Midem Festivals田智航, first producer to release an album of original work in China and first Chinese DJ to play at Wire Festival, Japan’s biggest techno party. More recently, his music featured at the Cannes Film Festival.
Mickey branched out into music production in 2002, remixing the World Cup Chinese theme song, producing music for television. Mickey may well be the Chinese Electronic music scene’s most travelled ambassador, having played in many countries around the world溥仪墓, all through Europe仗剑决 , Japan Thailand麦子乐 , Canada. For the 50th anniversary of Chinese-French diplomatic relation of 2004, Mickey was invited to France to play in four cities.
In 2009, Mickey was invited to Canada to perform and speak about the Chinese music scene at Canadian Music Week. In 2010, Mickey moved to Berlin to explore the European scene and expand his musical horizons. Mickey and his older brother, Zhang Wei牧牛杖材料, are also hard at work on a new album featuring electronic beats, classical Chinese instruments and modern production.

Mickey Zhang DJ and Live set @ Boiler Room Beijing

Zadig+Mickey Zhang演出信息 / Show Info时间:2017年5月28日Time: May 28th, 2017INTRO 2017 电子音乐节(北京)Techno舞台Techno Stage@ INTRO 2017 ELECTRONIC MUSIC FESTIVAL(Beijing)
Date&Time 日期与时间: May 28th ,2017, 14:00 - 23:00
地址(Location):天下第一城 Grand Epoch City自驾(Drive):京哈高速西集出口-向南9公里到达香河天下第一城Jing-Ha Highway Xi-Ji(西集) Exit - Forward south 9 km arrived Xianghe Grand Epoch City(天下第一城)Shuttle Bus(往返大巴):Buses start on 12:30 – 15:30Beijing Language University East Gate + Beijing Agricultural Exhibition Center West Gate从朝阳区北京农业展览馆西门+北京语言大学东门两地顺序发车Buses Back on 21:30 - 23:30 Stop to: Worker Stadium, Lantern Club 工体,灯笼俱乐部Bus Ticket(Round往返): 60RMB(Buy before take the bus上车前购票) How To Buy Tickets/如何购票 Presale tickets /预售票: 280rmbOn-site tickets /现场票: 380rmbAvailable at the entrance upon arrival, cash only/现场购买,仅收现金After party at Lantern club :持INTRO门票或INTRO手环参与灯笼俱乐部After party只需付50元门票,现场100元(50 rmb with INTRO tickets to after party at club Lantern, at door 100 rmb.)

INTRO 2017电子音乐节(北京站)

