怎样在淘宝开店【视频】Evolution in Manufacturig-Facteon让1块钢板在机械臂上只停留16秒 Robotics-Next-690overseas

【视频】Evolution in Manufacturig|Facteon让1块钢板在机械臂上只停留16秒 Robotics:Next-690overseas

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An increasing number of manufacturers are under pressure to produce outstanding products and reduce their costs in a competitive market. Often, these pressures are intensified in a company of global scale. As a result, new ways of thinking thrive. These range from the adoption of Industrial IoT technologies to the implementation of robotics. The application of robotics provides greater flexibility in industries which have not traditionally used robotic production lines.

Our latest project is hosted in a state-of-the-art facility based in Huangdao, China. Producing a washing machine cabinet every sixteen seconds, it’s expected that the line will manufacture more than 1.5 million each year. This combination of quantity, efficiency and variability shows automation to be transforming the manufacturing industry, in what many refer to as Industry 4.0.

Facteon’s commitment to Innovation has cemented its international reputation in deploying customized, automated factory solutions. To improve product quality and decrease labour costs, our offerings increasingly utilise robots to perform tasks that would’ve traditionally been completed by dedicated production machinery初一扛把子, or manually by people. As with all Facteon lines, it was designed and built in-house, as part of Facteon’s turn-key service, and installed on-site by highly skilled installation professionals.
Facteon致力于创新极度危机 ,并在采用定制和自动化工厂解决方案上享有国际声誉游戏藏宝湾。为了提高产品质量和降低劳动力成本,我们的产品越来越多地使用机器人来执行传统上由专用生产机械或人工完成的任务。与所有的Facteon生产线一样,作为Facteon成套服务的一部分,它的设计和建造由技艺精湛的安装专业人员现场完成。
Flexible & Intelligent Robotics
The line begins by processing a stack of pre-painted steel sheets. These are presented at the in feed to the press transfer line before moving to the assembly line. The pressed sheets then pass through seven stations staffed by robots. Sixteen seconds later末日战车 , a robust and elegant washing machine cabinet is complete. This line serves as an exemplar of the intelligent automation techniques transforming the manufacturing sector. In utilizing robots怎样在淘宝开店 大奔头 , labour costs and operational agility is increased.
生产线从处理一堆预涂钢板开始,完成加工后会将它们放到压力传送带的进料口以进入装配线细柳镇 ,然后李伯清假打 ,这些材料经过七个由机器人组成的工作站,一个结实优雅的洗衣机机柜的完成只需要16秒。这条线是作为智能自动化技术改造制造业的一个例子天钟变 。通过使用机器人死神之白羽 ,劳动力成本将会降低,操作灵活性有所提高刘丛丹 。

Multiple Models for Superior Machine ROI
The line is designed to produce thirteen different washing machine cabinet models. Customers have the flexibility to reconfigure the line to produce additional styles as required. The line is also capable of producing dishwasher, refrigerator and freezer cabinets – meaning a customer can deploy the same base equipment into multiple factories. This is driven by Facteon’s commitment to creating future-proof factory solutions. You’ll have the flexibility to adapt your operations in response to market demand. The machine footprint is also minimised as you utilise one versatile machine, rather than employing a range of product and model-specific lines.

Industrial IoT Connectivity to
Supercharge Efficiency
To complement a diverse and adaptable machinery offering, Facteon has developed COSMOline. It’s a cloud-based, SaaS邱箫婵, Industrial IoT tool that allows you to leverage the power of production data. COSMOline is suitable for manufacturers of all sizes. Its modular structure allows you to take in as little or as much information as you’d like. The software has been developed in-house and is intrinsic to the value of Facteon’s production lines. It ensures maximum efficiency and visibility throughout the manufacturing process.
为了补充多样化和适应性强的机械产品新婚贺语,Facteon开发了COSMOline。它是一个基于云计算、SaaS和工业物联网的工具气泡音 ,满足共享生产数据的强大功能彭庆国 。COSMOline的模块化结构使用户可以接收所需的信息,以确保整个生产过程的最大效率和可见性。

Consulting Services to Help
Make Sense of Industrial IoT
It's common knowledge among manufacturers that Industrial IoT will influence competitiveness in the future. Our consulting services help you pragmatically apply these technologies in ways that make sense for robust and practical Industrial IoT solutions to facilitate informed decision making. Operators can then use tools such as COSMOline to improve machine health, maximise efficiency and reduce downtime,冯天魁 turning their operations into a competitive advantage.
工业物联网将影响企业竞争力已是制造业的共识,因此Facteon还相应推出了咨询服务,帮助以实用的方式应用这些技术,这些技术对于工业物联网解决方案是有实际意义的——为正确的决策提供帮助。然后,操作者可以使用COSMOline等工具支持机器的良好运行,最大限度地提高效率美歪,减少停机时间,将产品的生产变成竞争优势的一部分徐恭藻 。
Facteon was founded in 1981 as the internal engineering division of Fisher & Paykel Appliances万华禾香板, a highly innovative and long-established organisation. It’s this pedigree that gives Facteon a competitive edge. Practices central to Industry 4.0 – such as flexible and customisable production lines – have been a major part of Facteon’s manufacturing processes for decades. Facteon’s commitment to providing outstanding production lines is driven by a passion for engineering and highly specialised areas such as robotics, software and intelligent manufacturing. Facteon aims to provide its customers with world-class, highly customised machinery that enables the delivery of reliable, durable and quality products.
Facteon成立于1981年,是费雪派克电器(Fisher & Paykel Appliances)的内部工程部门,是一个经营多年且高度创新的组织小爷不狂 。正是这样的背景赋予Facteon更多的竞争优势。灵活和可定制的生产线是Facteon一直以来制造流程的主要部分。Facteon致力于提供卓越的生产线,其动力来自于对工程和机器人、软件和智能制造等高度专业化领域的热情。Facteon致力于为客户提供世界一流的、高度定制的机械设备,为客户提供可靠、耐用和高质量的产品。

Author Information:
Name: Nathan Soich
姓名:Nathan Soich
Role: Marketing & New Ventures Manager

Nathan has a background in technology and export marketing for a range of global B2B organisations. He holds responsibility for Facteon's marketing operations and strategy, working closely with our Business Development team across various markets. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing and Management from University of Otago.
Nathan具有在一系列全球B2B组织中做技术和出口营销的背景万足念什么 ,现负责Facteon工厂的市场运营和战略制订,与我们不同区域市场的业务发展团队有着紧密的合作。他拥有奥塔哥大学市场营销和管理学士学位。
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