悲情诗句【视频】Taihuyuan Town 聚焦丨杭州十大特色竹乡之太湖源镇-国际竹藤组织

【视频】Taihuyuan Town 聚焦丨杭州十大特色竹乡之太湖源镇-国际竹藤组织

【杭州竹乡 第18期】
太湖源镇地处临安市东北部,林正宏 因太湖源头坐落于此而得名。太湖源镇距杭州市区55公里,处于上海3小时交通圈内量子自杀 ,205省道贯穿全镇,交通便捷王婉如,镇域面积240.4平方公里,下辖20个行政村,人口3.25万。境内植被丰富,环境优美,自然生物资源丰富,气候温暖湿润,植被垂直分布明显太阳幻影 ,森林覆盖率79.6%,先后获得了全国小城镇综合实力千强镇、全国首批环境优美乡镇和国家级新农村建设科技示范镇。
Taihuyuan Town is located in the northeast of Lin’an City, named by its location, the origin of Taihu Lake. Taihuyuan Town is 55 km away from the downtown of Hangzhou City, within the three hours’ traffic circle to Shanghai. With Provincial Highway 205 passing through the whole town, it is convenient in transportation. Covering a total area of 240.4 km2, it has 20 administrative villages and a population of 32,500 people. Rich invegetation and natural resources, it has beautiful sceneries. The climate in Taihuyuan Townis warm and humid, with significant vertical distribution of vegetation cover. The total forest coverage rate reaches 79.6%. Taihuyuan Town has been awarded as “Top Thousand Towns with Greatest Integrated Capacity in China”, the “First Batch of Towns with Beautiful Environment” and “National Science and Technology Demonstration Town of New Rural Construction”.

临安是全国著名的“中国竹子之乡”,而太湖源镇便是临安竹笋的典型代表,是浙江省竹笋产业优势强镇。该镇作为临安市竹笋产业第一大镇,素以竹乡风情和山水生态闻名遐迩,所产雷竹笋被誉为“江南第一笋”。全镇有竹林面积9.65万亩,其中雷竹4.7万亩、毛竹1.6万亩、其他杂竹3.35万亩,竹笋总产量为2.541万吨,总产值4.5亿元,竹笋收入占农民人均收入的60%。该镇经营覆盖的雷竹笋亩产最高可达4000多斤,每亩最高收入能达到6万元,平均可达到3万元左右。建有青云、杨岭、东天目三个竹笋交易市场,其中青云竹笋交易市场占地面积14520平方米,建筑面积8000平方米饕餮怎么读 ,有摊位200余个,年成交量2.9万吨以上,成交额1.2亿元以上。全镇共有太湖源镇竹笋产业协会及跑马岗竹笋专业合作社等7个竹笋专业合作社,较好地发挥了桥梁纽带作用,促进了农户、基地、市场相互间的沟通。
Lin’an is the famous “Bamboo Town in China”, while TaihuyuanTown is a typical representative of Lin’an bamboo shoots, as well as competitive town with prominent bamboo industry in Zhejiang Province. As one of the largest bamboo shoots production centers, Taihuyuan Town is well known for its bamboo culture and natural landscape. Known as the “tastiest bamboo shoot in Southern China”,Phyllostachys violascens bamboo shoot is originally from here. The total area of bamboo forest is 6都市回收霸主,433hectares, including 3乐仆网 ,133 hectares ofPhyllostachys violascens, 1,067 hectares of Moso bamboo and 2,233 hectares of other bamboo species. The total output of bamboo shoots reaches 25,410 tones, valued at 450 million RMB (66 million USD), accounting for 60% of total farmer’s income. Annual harvest ofPhyllostachys violascensbamboo shoots is as high as more than two thousand kilograms, averagely valued at 30悲情诗句 ,000 RMB (4401 USD) and peaked at around 60,000 RMB (8801 USD).There are three bamboo shoots transaction markets in Taihuyuan Town, namely Qingyun眸色多妖娆 , Yangling, and Dongtianmu markets. It is worth mentioning that Qingyun Bamboo Shoot Market has a total area of 14,520m2, with 8魅尊,000m2construction area and over 200 booths. Annual transaction volume through Qingyun market reaches 29,000 tones, with total value of 120 million RMB (17.6 millionUSD). Taihuyuan Town Bamboo Shoots Industrial Association and seven professional cooperatives have been established to promote effective communication among farmers, production base and markets.

随着经济的发展,越来越多的城里人向往到山里游山玩水,呼吸新鲜空气。太湖源镇于1996年开始旅游开发,至今已开发出太湖源景区、神龙川、东天目山三个旅游景点。其中太湖源景区是临安第一个生态旅游景点特警犬王 ,开辟了临安生态旅游的新纪元。该镇因景点而获名,又因景点而扬名。目前林振发 ,这三个旅游景点全年接待游客近30万人次,其中太湖源景区人称"小九寨沟",以十里长谷龙须峡而闻名,野生景观植物遍布山野,四季景色迷人;东天目山景区分东瀑大峡谷、林海大瀑布、昭明大禅院和天目大仙峰四个区块毛晓沪 ,在自然景观方面主要表现为峡谷、瀑布、森林、云海等;指南村是一座有着千年历史的古村,有古姓、古塘、古树、古祠、古庙、古宅、古墓“七古”。村庄左右两侧散布着470余亩层式梯田,蔚为壮观,加上村内数百株高耸在天空中的古木,被摄影爱好者和驴友誉为华东地区最美古村庄之一。
With the rapid economic development, more and more people want to have a getaway to the rural areas for cleaner air and beautiful sceneries. Tourism development in Taihuyuan Town commenced in 1996. So far, three well-developed sightseeing sites have been established, including Taihuyuan Scenic Site, Shenlongchuan Scenic Spot and Dongtianmu Mountain, of which the Taihuyuan Scenic Site is the first ecological tourism sightseeing of the town. So far, a total number of 300,000 visitors have been received by those three scenicsites. Known as “Small Jiuzhai”, Longxu Gorgewith ten miles of valley covered with diverse wild plants, showing distinctive sceneries in four seasons. Dongmushan Mountain consists of four sightseeing sites李易祥老婆, including Dongpu Valley幻世梵天 , Linhai Waterfall, Zhaoming Temple and Tianmu Mountain Peak郑博闻 , an integrated scenery with valley, waterfall, forest and a sea of clouds. Furthermore, anancient village, Zhinan Village is also situated within Taiyuanhu Town, knownas “seven ancient features”, namely, ancient family names, ponds广讯通 , trees,temples, ancestral halls, houses and tombs. On both sides of the village,terraced fields sit along the mountain, attracting numerous photographers and backpackers.

这么美的太湖源镇寒冰菇 ,你还没有心动?心动不如行动,赶紧来吧!!!
Are you impressed by such a beautiful Taihuyuan Town? Come toexplore!!!
Visiting by car: Hanghui Highway – Lin’an Exit – Wuyue Road –Huancheng West Road – Provincial Highway 205 – Taihuyuan Scenic Site
Visiting by public transportation: take a bus from Lin’an North Bus Station and get off at Taihuyuan Scenic Site.(END)
[1]1 hectare=0.01 km2