
怎么知道不是博主是渣女甩男人??经证实此人是一枚网红,想要炒作位面交易法则 。正好利用微博上那股浓浓的仇视男性的风气当话题犀浦实验学校 。结果让一群仇男女屌又GC了! 可怜杰伦,在粉丝面前被当成炒作的工具而且还让自己很尴尬。。这世界上所有的事都可以用一句话回复,那就是“管你屁事儿”。所以说评论里这些愤青们,不管人家做法谁对谁错,都是两人之间是事,你们争得你死我活孔伯华医馆 ,浪费流量呢?这种大张旗鼓的diss,说的好听是敢爱敢恨猎魔通缉令 ,说难听就是见不得别人好,人家要结婚了是死是活你已经是过客,做作....他算什么男人心里没点B数啊,若他不算男人何止是他瞎,你也够瞎的了.那个,我看这里人多,我就过来问问吴栓牢 ,有没有小哥哥小姐姐想买冷制皂的呀,任明廷有的话给我留个言,没有的话我一会再来问一遍,打扰了切都是假的.........不是因为预谋好的,实际上根本就没有前男友这么一说。一看就是炒作的噱头特大上海惠生堂 ,还去同情,可怜什么的人太闲了。想知道真相,网络都是骗人的。 以为周杰伦不知道吗?因为她肯定花了大价钱买的特别嘉宾。商业模式就是如此。 假的假的先不说别的

How do you know that is not a blogger is a slag dump a man? ? It is confirmed that this person is an internet star, want to hype. It was the subject of the strong hatred of men on Weibo. The result is a bunch of Soo and GC龙马益肤宁 ! Poor Jay阿里郎简谱 , used to be a hype tool in front of fans, and embarrassing himself. 。 All the things in the world can be answered in a word, that is " your fart business. ". So in the comments on these cynics, no matter who is wrong or who is wrong, it is between the two people, you argue that you die, I live, waste of traffic? This kind of diss is said to dare to love, to dare to hate, to say that no one else is good, people want to marry is alive, you are already a passerby, Affectation ... he does not count the b number, if he is not more than he捉鬼特工队, you are blind, and I see more people here, I come over to ask, if there is little brother and sister want to buy cold soap,中国卫星参数 some words for me, I will again ask again, to disturb is false At a glance is the stunt of the hype剑师全职者, go to pity, poor people are too idle. Want to know the truth, the network is a lie. Do you think Jay doesn't know? Because she must have spent a lot of money on the special guests. This is the business model. The false pretence, the first, the other